Extra Anytime Math for "At Home Learning"

The attached Choice Board Offers some anytime Math activities to help practice skills.  This can take the place of Math Workshop while your child is learning from home.

Grade K Math Choice Menu

Items on this menu are grade level appropriate with some extension and some review.  

Cereal Math

Scoop a cup of different colored cereal or other multi-colored items.

  • Count all.
  • Sort by color.
  • Count each color set.
  • Add 2 colors together.


Using a standard unit of measurement (feet/inches) or a non-standard unit of measurement (hand/foot/finger/pencil/) measure items in your house/yard/

  • How long is it?
  • How wide is it?
  • How tall is it?
  • How deep is it?

Junk Mail Word Problems

Select a picture, graph, advertisement, restaurant menu from junk mail, a newspaper or a magazine. Write a word problem to represent what is being shown.

Use grade level math concepts:

  • Counting
  • Ordering and comparing
  • Addition
  • Subtraction


Create a Song or Poem

Create a song or poem that teaches

  • Numbers 1-20
  • Compares numbers between 1-10
  • Fluently add or subtract within 5
  • Describes shapes (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres)

Counting On/Skip Count

  • Practice counting on from a given number other than 1 (1-100)
  • Skip count by 2, 5, 10



Create a 100 Chart

  • Color all the even numbers red.
  • Color all of the odd numbers  blue
  • Count by 5s.  Put a square around each number.
  • Count by 10s.  Put a circle around each number.


  • Do you notice any patterns?



Ask your child to find items that are :

  • squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres
  • Ask your child to sort different items based on on their shape
  • Identify shapes as 2d or 3d
  • Build shapes using items such as Play-doh or popsicle sticks
  • Draw a picture using different shapes

Connection to Reading

Use the characters and situation from a story you recently read to create a word problem.

Use grade level math concepts:

Use grade level math concepts:

  • Counting
  • Ordering and comparing
  • Addition
  • Subtraction


Make a Graph

Make a simple bar graph:

  • Survey family members on their favorites (ex: fruit, vegetables, dessert, etc)
  • Make a graph with toys


  • Compare the data on the graph and tell a family member 3 true statements about the data.